Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unexpected Jolts

I just got an unexpected jolt. A sick to my stomach unexpected jolt that I was totally unprepared for. I am not sure if its writing this blog or just other things that are going on in life that have made Simone a constant, daily thought, but when I say she is always on my mind, I really truly mean she is always on my mind. So Facebook is changing again. I really need to be done with Facebook, and I keep thinking of shutting it down, but in reality, at 3:00 in the afternoon when the day starts to drag, I do enjoy doing a little snooping. I got the message today on my home page that you change your page now or it goes into effect some day soon. I chose to change it now, and the new kinda cool looking page comes up. I like it. But then I start to scroll down my timeline. And posts from years ago that I don't even remember and have not seen since they were posted are all there. And right there in the middle of December 2009 I post about getting Simone's clothes washed before we bring her home, and how Gus and I can hardly believe in the next few weeks we will be bringing Ethan's sister home. Aargh! Then I get this icky feeling in my stomach and think I should just hit delete and get rid of it, but I can't! I can't hit that darn button and know that I will never have to see that again. And then I posted when we had our 11 week ultrasound, and it just kills me to think that our poor little baby girl's heart was already hurting her at 11 weeks. She was a tough little cookie to keep fighting as long as she did. Darn Facebook, I wasn't prepared for that.